Why is weighing yourself daily the single best health habit you can have?

Who are the people who tell you to avoid your scale—and why?

Why is some of the most common advice for weight loss—moderation—incredibly difficult for most people to follow?

More than 71 percent of people in the United States are overweight or obese. This is a shocking increase, and has happened mostly in the past 50 years. It’s not caused by a massive, nationwide failure of willpower. We’re not experiencing an explosion of greed.

No, many of us are just playing a game that we’re not equipped to win.

I wrote this book because my experiences with losing weight directly contradict much of the advice that’s so popular today. Advice like this: 

Don’t weigh yourself too often, you’ll just get discouraged.

No, not true. Stepping on the scale can be one of the most useful tools you have. It gives you an essential foundation for figuring out what food habit changes work for you. If you’re anxious or uncomfortable about stepping on the scaleyou can overcome that anxiety. Don’t just avoid the scale.

Here’s the other piece of advice that was most harmful:

Never forbid any food. That will just make you crave it, and then you’ll binge on it. Eat whatever foods you want, but in smaller amounts. 

Again, false. Many of the highly processed foods in today’s world have been engineered by food scientists to be as addictive as possible. Eating a little bit of an addictive food is a dangerous path to follow.

In my book Weigh Every Day, I go through the specifics about why weighing yourself every single day is one of the best habits you can have. I debunk the myths about weighing yourself daily, and go through the many reasons why weighing yourself weekly is not nearly as useful. 

The second half of the book coveres food rules. Food rules are personalized, and you create them for yourself. They help you live in a world where food temptation is always around, and still manage your weight. 

Weigh Every Day can help you today. With the ideas, advice, and understanding that you get from this book, you can win the battle with weight gain.